Electronic industry
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Our products for
the eLECTRONIC industry
Your trusted partner for quality control
When it comes to inspecting the quality of a printed circuit board, the greatest attention must be paid to the following inspection points: foreign bodies, exposed copper, scratches, insufficient plating, incorrect screen printing, solder paste, uneven pads, and residual copper. Due to the wide variety of microcomponents and materials, their quality control is subject to a multitude of technical constraints. To address these issues, we have developed inspection products that benefit from the latest lighting technology: our nano-active fiber.
Our range of lights for microscopy (VisiBright & VisiDark) and our PRISMA & CHROMA ranges of inspection lamps offer a uniform light that allows direct and efficient detection of the slightest imperfections and material deposits without parasitic reflections. L.E.S.S. light provides optimal color temperature and intensity to produce high contrast images that reveal imperfections and anomalies. This is to meet the most stringent quality control requirements.
Quality of L.E.S.S. lighting
Easy quality control
With L.E.S.S. VisiBright bright field illumination, the light shines on the sample from above with optimal intensity and without heat dissipation. The surface structure is uniformly illuminated. There are no shadows on the microstructures, allowing the observation of all details. The uniformity of the illumination results in sharp, well-defined images for faster and more accurate inspection of the sample.
High contrast rendering
Product Quality Control
L.E.S.S. VisiDark grazing light provides excellent contrast on the surface structure. Coating defects are immediately visible and the illumination is uniform over the entire sample. The contrasts generated by L.E.S.S. dark field lighting allow for fast, accurate, and complete inspection of samples.
Comfort of visual inspection
An ergonomic inspection for the user
The lighting heads of the inspection lamps do not emit heat, offering the user incomparable comfort. The uniformity of lighting allows for a pleasant and efficient inspection. In addition, the improved ergonomics of our products allow the operator to position the lamp in the most suitable way for his workstation for optimal comfort.
Bright & Thin Lighting
“The products we have developed help you standardize your quality control operations and gain in productivity.»
Yann Tissot, CEO of L.E.S.S.
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